
Equine Portraiture
Cruz - Black Backgrounds Virginia Beach

equine portraiture

Catherine Michele Photography is a Virginia Beach photographer specializing in equine portraiture and capturing the bond between equestrians and their horses.


Equine Portraiture


I was so excited when Beth and Grace reached out to me about setting up an equine portrait session for their most handsome guy Cruz! I have known these two for a long time and we go way back to the days when I had my mare Bree and Grace was riding ponies.

We had a blast during this session and Cruz made a new friend…my stick horse that I use to get ears. Check out the last photo in this post for a behind-the-scenes peek! He liked the stick horse so much he now has his own!

There were so many great portraits of Cruz from this session I don’t know how I narrowed any of them down. But here are some of my favorites!





equine portraiture equine portraitureequine portraiture

We had to throw the Christmas garland on for a few Christmas card shots! I love how it pops off of Cruz’s dark coat.


After the session, I got a few action shots of Cruz playing in his field. I played around with one and put it on a white background and I love it!

equine portraiture


I had to share just one behind the scenes photo of Cruz and his new BFF the stick horse 😂 he was nickering to it in this photo!

behind the scenes


Beth & Grace, thank you so much for the opportunity to create these portraits of the handsome Mr. Cruz! It was truly an honor.


Location | Breckenridge Manor – Virginia Beach, VA



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