1. Blog More
I plan to create more educational blog posts for my clients as well as educational blog posts for other photographers. In 2016 I pretty much only blogged when I had new session photos to share. In 2017 I want to create a lot more useful content.
2. Refine My Brand
I have been working on this for a while, but it got put on the back burner when things got busy this year. I have a good idea of what I want my brand to be, I just need to put in the work to make it come to life.
3. Launch My New Website
I will finally launch the new website I have been working on for what seems like forever! I am soo excited for y’all to see it! It will be a perfect representation of me, my brand and what I love! I am using the amazing Showit 5 platform and I’m in awe of what you can do with it. If you haven’t checked them out, you definitely need to! It’s a game changer!
4. Create A Client Welcome Magazine
I want to enhance my client experience by sending a welcome magazine in the mail (yes, snail mail) when a client books with me that will guide them through the whole experience and answer common questions. I will have a different magazine for each type of session. I am so excited about this!
5. Grow My Email List
One thing I have really been dragging my feet on is growing my email list and creating a newsletter. Especially now that I will be moving, I would love all of my Virginia clients to have a way to keep up with me and know when I will be coming back for a visit. If you want to go ahead and sign up, click here.
6. Create My First Digital Product
I would love to help other photographers learn and grow. I am no expert, but I do have some great knowledge I would love to pass along. When I was first starting out I soaked up any education that I could and it really helped me grow. Even now, I am an education junkie so I want to pour what I have to offer into others to help them on their journey.
7. Network
I am definitely going to network in 2017 and make it a point to go to Rising Tide Society meetings in Washington or Oregon when I move. Networking is something I haven’t done much of because I made the excuse of being busy. That will change in 2017 because I know how important it is to my business.
8. Workout
I am going to figure out a routine and stick to it. In 2016 I majorly slacked off in the workout department and am not liking the outcome of that. Next summer I will be excited about getting into a bathing suit!
9. Set Office Hours
Since I will be working from home for the first time ever, I want to create office hours and stick to them. Outside of my work hours, I want to be present and spend time with Justin, friends, and family. I don’t want to be worried about all of the things on my to-do list or feel like the world is going to end if I don’t respond to an email right away. With this will come systems and automation so when I’m away from my desk, things will be taken care of.
10. Travel
I want to take full advantage of living in a completely new area and travel as much as possible. I know the west coast has so much to offer and I cannot wait to explore it! If you have any must-see places please let me know!! One place on the list so far is Cannon Beach, OR.
11. Take More Pictures
I was really bad at taking personal pictures in 2016…the cobbler’s children have no shoes, right? In 2017 I will make a conscious effort to take more pictures when it isn’t for my business AND not just let them sit in a folder on my computer. I am going to print albums for each year (starting from 2008 where I left of haha)!
12. Get Pictures Taken
It’s pretty sad that Justin and I haven’t had our pictures taken since our wedding. This year, that will change! I want to have pictures taken to document this new season in our life. I also need some new headshots for my new website 😉 Plus, it’s always great for a photographer to be in front of the lens every once in a while so we remember how our clients feel.
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